Monday, May 5, 2008

New Buildings, Old Buildings

As you have heard we are here!!

I was really surprised when we got here because I was expecting an older city. I knew that most of the city had been distroyed by the war but I did not realize it was so much. Many of the building are post war or have been recontructed to the orginal facade. These building are really pretty. This city much have really been something before the war, but even now it is quite an interesting city. There is a lot of people walking here and there, most chatting and just stolling down the street. The city is very different from other European cities, but I am growing acustom to seeing the communist style building next to the prewar buildings.

The walk Kate, Maggie and I took was georgious. There were small cafes along the street with locals sitting sipping coffee and just chatting. The whole atmosphere was friendly and leisurly as though calling one to sit and just watch the people. It was tempting but we decided to head back and catch some rest.


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